Professor Bramble pushes a beautiful gypsy cart, which Head Mistresse Miss Nutella Nutkins, uses as her mobile classroom. They are on a field trip, collecting new objects from the natural world for their show and tell collection. Prospective students for the Acorn Academy are auditioned in impromptu classes, allowing the children to discover and learn about the wonders of Natural History, as they handle real fossils, minerals and other materials.
Suggested Themes
Spring, Woodland, Natural History, Conservation, Fairy Tale, Wildlife, Animals, Wind in the Willows, Storybook or Children's Literary Events.
Technical Details
3 x 30 min or 2 x 45 min sets per day
Full Public Liability
Free parking required
This act dislikes stairs!
A clean, secure & private changing space close to the performance area.
Please contact us for comprehensive Tech Spec.
"We had a fantastic day and you were brilliant - and fitted perfectly into the theme of the day and the audience we had - you were loved by all.
We had approx 2,500 visitors that day - over twice my max estimate - but the building coped...and you helped us a great deal in our work to manage visitors, by being flexible about where we sent you in the building for each set - it helped to give all our visitors a good quality experience and helped to keep us all safe and within regs."
- Sarah Hammond, Education Officer
Treasure House
International Excess Baggage Details
Minimum x 2 Performers required to travel
x 3 Suitcases @ 78 X 58 x 28cm
23kg + 23kg + 23kg
Total excess: 69kgs - 3 pieces
Please note when travelling overseas no cart is available