Its the down period, the quiet time between the close of the summer season and the opening of the winter festivities. As you can see whilst taking booking for Christmas 2014 we have been hard at work with our programme of re-invention. This October will see the final outings of our Goblins and Hairy Chairs in their current incarnations, the old characters are being retired. In preparation fur and foam have been flying in the workshop.
Goblins Reloaded!
First look at one of the new Goblin Chef characters that will replace our existing pair post Halloween. The Goblins were the first characters that Jamie and I ever built and the founding stone of what would become Creature Encounter, so it was through the conception, building and performance of this pair that we learnt what not to do! Re-inventing them eight years later provides an interesting opportunity to test the principles we have learnt along the way, will they work more if they embody everything we have learnt?
Return to Witham
This Saturday our small band of performers heads off to Witham International Puppet Festival, joining us in the van will be old favourites The Penguin Family and the Hairy Chairs. If your free and in the area come and enjoy a host of animated performance.
Here is a picture from the mystery gig we did last week, even three years on it still amazes me how well this guy photographs. You can just see our new work, Jamie's fabulous sign writing and a fluttering flag, on the left hand side.
One for his personal page me thinks!